Events (2015-2024)

Events (2015-2024)
Events of Central Library Events of Institutional Library

Sr No


Document Delivery Service
Induction for UG and PG students ,Ph.d.Scholars
,Teaching and non teaching staff

E-resources training organized

Induction for UG and PG students

E-resources training organized
No.of Services No.of Programme No.of Participant No. of Programme No.of Participant No. of Programme No.of Participant No. of Programme No.of Participant
1 2023−24 373 17 1020 90 19907 52 5687 35 4744
2 2022−23 444 8 1731 110 21621 20 2185 43 3295
3 2021−22 559 11 2130 147 36138 27 4637 43 7904
4 2020−21 814 17 2144 215 23115 50 6775 18 3058
5 2019−20 888 16 1115 108 11767 8 65 39 3638
6 2018−19 1507 21 1050 64 8359 27 1268 26 3060
7 2017−18 592 7 360 68 4626 30 1608 22 2709
8 2016−17 357 8 307 5 213 8 434 11 1703
9 2015−16 251 6 554 2 67 3 316 11 1290