Acquisition Section: (Location: First Floor)
This section is mainly responsible for acquisition of books. This section procures the documents by two methods:

Book Exhibition:
Central library organizes book exhibition/ book display in which Vendors/ Publishers from all parts of the country participate and display their books. The faculty of different departments visits the Book Fair and recommends the books. Based on the recommendation, the library interacts and places orders with selected suppliers.
Direct Method:
The library collects the direct recommendation also from faculty reviewed by Faculty and HOD. Based on the recommendation, the library interacts and places order with selected suppliers.
Further, the books are accessioned in the section and transferred to the Technical Processing Section for cataloguing, classification, and indexing & database entry.
Technical Section: (First Floor)

This section is mainly responsible for processing of procured books and playing a role of bridge between Acquisition and Circulation Section. The section classifies the documents, catalogues them and finally sends these books for display in New Arrivals Display Area for a week.
This section generates the list of new arrival of books which includes bibliographic details and circulates through group mail to all users of SIU library.
After one week, the displayed books are shelved and new books processed last week, are displayed again in Display Area. This continues every week.
Circulation Section: (Ground Floor)
This section is mainly responsible for circulation of documents in the library to the users. It plays a role of bridge between users and books. The following tasks are performed by this section:

- Membership Registration
- Issue/Return
- Reserve/Renewal
- Issue No-dues Certificate
- Overdue Fine Collection
- Book Reservation
- Alert Services such as overdue, collect notice etc.
Periodical Section (Location: Ground Floor)
This section is mainly responsible for procurement of print journals and e-resources (abstract & full text). E-Resource includes the Full Text Databases and Abstract/Citation Databases.

The following tasks are taken care by this section:
- Print Journals Subscription
- E-Resources subscription and its management (Full Text & Abstract Databases)
- E-Books Subscription & its management
- Bound Volume Management
Digital Resource Centre: (Location: Ground Floor and First Floor)

This section is mainly responsible for management of the following:
- Library Website: Design & Development
- Management of Digital Repository Platform (D Space )
- Conducting User Education Programme (UEP)
- Liaison with departments for educating them about services and resources
- Reference Service & Research Support Programme
- In house training for library trainees & staff
Reference Section: (First Floor)

This section is mainly responsible for providing the information related to library activities, resources, services and new initiative taken @ CL. The section provides the following services:
- Ready reference service on requested query : on the spot and through email as well
- Information on Research Related Queries
- Information about library services
- Information about library resources
- Information about Infrastructure development
- Information about new initiatives being taken @ CL
- Document Delivery Services
- Inter Library Loan
Stack Section (Ground and first floor)

Responsibilities of Stack Section
- Maintenance of resources in the stack room.
- Maintenance of reading room of the section.
- Shelving of documents.
- Provide Personalized Services to the users
- Maintenance of statistics/record of the section.
- Other works concerned with the section.
Maintenance Section (Ground and first floor)

Responsibilities of Maintenance Section
- Selection of the binder
- To sort out books for binding.
- Registration of books sent for binding.
- Verification of books received after binding.
- Conduct stock verification.
- Maintenance of statistics/record of the section.
- Other works concerned with the section.
- Maintenance of building/space of the library.
- Cleaning of Building.
- Acquisition and maintenance of Dead stock.
- Correspondence and other office work.
- Insurance of building and reading materials.
- Work related to Library Committee.
- Preparation of annual report of the library.
- Passing of bills and maintenance of accounts.
- Preparation of annual & supplementary budget.
- Other works concerned with the section.
Computer Section

Responsibilities of Computer Section
- Selection of Hardware/Software.
- Purchase of Hardware and Software for the library.
- Providing infrastructure for automation.
- Installation of Hardware/Software.
- Provide In-service training for automation.
- Work relating to participation in network.
- Provide INTERNET and e-document services.
- Orientation to users for use of e-resource.
- To develop and maintain website & Portal for the library.
- Digitization of resources.
- Maintenance of Hardware & Software.
- Creation and maintenance of data bases of library collection.
- Maintenance of statistics/record of the section.
- Other works concerned with the section.