
Library Committee

Constitution of University Library Committee

    • Dr. Ramakrishnan Raman
      Vice Chancellor
    • Vacant
      Dean Academics and Administration
    • Dr. Ruchi Jaggi, Dean, Faculty of Media and Communication
      Dr. Jyoti Chandiramani, Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences
      Dr. Sanjeevani Ayachit, Dean, Faculty of Architecture and Design
      Three Dean of the faculties, nominated by the Vice Chancellor
    • Dr. Netra Neelam, Director, SCMHRD, Pune
      Dr. Tarun Pratap Singh, Director, SIG, Pune
      Dr. Sukhvindra Singh Dari, Director, SLS, Nagpur
      Three Directors of the Constituent nominated by the Vice Chancellor
    • Dr. Pradnya Chitrao, Professor, SIMS
      Dr. Sheela Upendra, Professor, SCON
      Dr. Sonal Shree, Associate Professor, SIBM, Pune
      Three teachers (Professors/ Associate Professor) of Constituent nominated by the Vice Chancellor
    • Dr. K. Umesh Reddy, Librarian, & Head, Indian Institute of Science (IISC), Bengaluru
      Dr. Kishor Chandra Satpathy, Chief Librarian, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata
      Two External Experts in the field of Library Science nominated by the Vice Chancellor
    • Dr. M. S. Shejul, Registrar
    • Mr. Aditya Das, M.B.A., SICSR (PRN: 24030141006
      Ms. Riya Tripathi, M.B.A., SIBM, Hyderabad (PRN: 23021141099)
      Two Student representatives nominated by the Vice Chancellor
    • Dr. Shiv Singh, Librarian
      University Librarian
      Members Secretary

The committee shall have the following functions:

To provide guidelines and instructions for:
  • Proper functioning of the library
  • Documentation services
  • Updating the stocks
  • Fulfilling the needs of the users and any other concerned matters
  • Any other matter related to working of the library

To prepare the annual budget of the library.

To make proposals for the development of the library.

To provide the plans for the modernisation and improvement of library and documentation services.

To recommend to the Board of Management the fees and other charges for use of Library service by student(s) and other users.

To prepare and submit the annual report on the functioning of the library to the Board of Management at the end of every Academic Year.